Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Getting Ready for KrausTour 2009

We are in the final stages of planning, figuring out logistics, determining who is in, who is out, who can really make it the full five days? We are excited to be riding the Allegheny Trail and C&O Canal again this year. I am a little sad that none of the ride is in West Virginia, but it is going to be great. My son is going to try to go the full ride this year, so that is going to be exciting and we are going to have (possibly) 19 people ride on the weekend. That should be a fun crowd.

I will try to blog and tweet our trip if I can. Has anyone out there ridden either trail in recent times? Know anything about the conditions?


Unknown said...

Where are the 2009 pics?

Unknown said...

trying to figure out how to post same